
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Replacements - Season 1 Episode 12: Best Friends For-Never?

Riley and Tasumi get into an argument, so they decide to settle their differences in a wrestling match. Quick scene of Riley punching a slab of meat during a training montage.

Phineas and Ferb - Season 4 Episode 9: Great Balls of Water

Candace is afraid that her life may be too boring. Quick scene in a musical number.

King of the Hill - Season 7 Episode 11: Boxing Luanne

Luanne becomes a boxer. At first she is given jobbers, but then takes on Freeda Foreman in a real fight. Matches throughout the entire episode. One of the best examples.

Bee and Puppycat - Episode 6: Toast Dogs, Wedding Donut

Cass's old pro-wrestling rival Toast comes to challenge her. She only wears gloves and the two wrestle somewhat.

Mighty Magiswords - Minisode Episode 14: Too Many Warriors

Image Vambre and Prohyas are on a mission to stop a boxing octopus. Vambre only wears gloves in a quick segment.