"Famous comic book artist Scott mysteriously disappears, leaving behind 100 volumes of superhero comic books scattered throughout San Francisco. The protagonist, Mike, stumbles upon Crying Man and ends up summoning the titular superhero from the book, forever changing his life. But it’s not just Mike, many people begin to summon superheroes from these comic books, dubbed 'hero books', leading to a series of events unfolding throughout San Francisco." In season 2, the boxing hero Kayoh is introduced.
In Issue #6 of Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do - There's a whole page on number 11 that features a younger Felicia Hardy, who's practicing her punches onto a sandbag in a school gymnasium.
Got it.
DeleteI don't know if you're aware, but there's this animated series on YouTube called PUNCH PUNCH FOREVER! made by speedoru.
ReplyDeleteAt exactly at "2:24", there's a female background character who's happen to be boxer (with boxing gloves on) among the crowd of other fighters.
Got it.
DeleteHey look at this
ReplyDeleteSkimmed through. Was it just the posters?